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Hunan Huawei Jingcheng Material Technology Co., Ltd


Mob:0086-18163707564 Dr. Peng(Technology)

Mob:0086-18932462777 Li Shan(Business)

Wechat :0086-18163707564

OfficeAddress:Room 516, Hunan International Business Center, East Second Ring Road, Furong District, Changsha City, Hunan Province

FactoryAddress:Phase 2, Entrepreneurship Base, High-tech Development Zone, Shaoshan City, Hunan Province


Spherical Titanium alloy powder

Spherical Titanium alloy powder

  • Classification:Elemental metal
  • Number of visits:second
  • Date of issue:2022-05-23 15:25:01
  • Product overview
  • Test data (I)
  • Test data (II)

Titanium main application:

High-pure spherical titanium powder can be used for 3D printing laser/electron beam additive manufacturing (SLM/EBM), direct laser deposition (DLD), powder hot isostatic pressing (HIP), metal injection molding (MIM), cold/thermal spraying coating and other processes.

 size distribution :0-45, 0-53, 15-45, 45-105, 100-200, 100-350(µm)(Customized chemical composition and particle size can be made according to customer requirements.)

Product overview:

Our company uses the full-process non-contact, non-polluting electrode induction melting gas atomization method (EIGA) to prepare high purity, high sphericity titanium alloy powder, which has a high degree of spherical shape, less satellite spheres, high purity, and low oxygen content. It has the characteristics of good fluidity, and the particle size distribution can be customized according to customer requirements, which fully meets the individual needs of users, and effectively solves the shortcomings of serious hollow spheres, many inclusions, and uneven particle size.

Physical and chemical indicators:

Spherical Titanium alloy powder
